Cotton Candy | Memosne

Cotton Candy

Hello dere! I thought this photo was a slightly attractive one of me so I put it at the top. >< You know, to cushion the blow of the following derpy photos and awkward posing. Absorb the extreme narcissism while you can. ;)

Here's me looking sheepish. Hahaha, I don't think I'll ever be comfortable with this "modeling" thing. Anyway, this is the outfit I wore the other day! It was cold and raining outside, so all I wanted to do was stay home in a big warm ridiculous sweater....and I did! I need to recoup and regroup before school starts again.  

Dior Sweater, Nine West Shoes, Valentino Purse
What better way to celebrate seasonal malaise by lounging around in a super plush, very ridiculous, and extremely stain-able designer sweater? Since I live at home, because my university is so housing would be a waste of money, my mom has graciously opened her closet to me and allows me to plunder through it at my leisure. 

So when I want to prance around the house feeling fancy, regal and ladylike I usually plunder her closet first. I believe that she got this particular sweater at a super sample sale for out of season Dior clothing. I have to say, as a family we never really buy anything "full price", especially on luxury items like this. When one sees all the slashed prices and the can be difficult to stop an impulse buy. 

The detail and level of craftsmanship on this particular sweater just screamed luxury item, the softness of the wool, the level of detail that the ribbons were bound and laced through, and finally the sheer detail of the knit! I used to be a "the cheaper the better" kind of girl, but now the more and more I notice the disparity between "affordable" and the "luxury" clothing, purses, and makeup....I feel myself turning more and more to the dark side...the more expensive side. UGH. It hurts. My heart and my wallet. That isn't to say that I don't think cheaper items aren't as great, I simply feel that there is more trial and error with them...which leads to more disappointing purchases. 

I feel like recently there have always been a slew of X-TREME sales going on. With a capital X instead of an e. For example: Black Friday, Boxing Day, the Pre-Holiday Sale, the Post Holiday Sale, the Spring Sale.....good lord. I see discounts and deals everywhere. I gotta manage my money better...after all I'm saving up to see the boyfriend in February. =) Long distance is hard, but he makes it worth it. 

Anyway, I think I rambled on enough. Thank you for reading and the continued support of this silly little blog! 



  1. LOL, it's funny when you say "ridiculous sweater" and still you wear it, lol. Nice post.

  2. Of course! I think it'd be bad if one takes themselves too seriously. =D
