The New Year | Memosne

The New Year

Whistler, BC

I always feel like I'm constantly apologizing for things, but I really have to say that school has been kicking my butt and fun things (all of them) have to be put on the back burner for now. *sigh* I long for the day that I will, hopefully, find a job that I actually my "fun things" can be a part of my everyday life. Nothing will have to be put on the back burner...NOTHING. Well, that's a hope at least. Here are some photos that I've taken recently. I hope you enjoy! 

Sun Yat Sen Memorial Garden, Vancouver
However! I do want to thank for featuring me on their front page some days ago. =) Welcome to all new readers and people just drifting on by! If something draws your interest please feel free to stop and take a look. =) 

Gastown, Vancouver
The New Year came up and surprised me...I honestly hadn't expected the year to end quite so quickly. >< Does anyone have any new years resolutions? I feel that if people want to change things, they shouldn't have to wait until the New Year to start improving themselves, but even as I say that....I'm a big procrastinator. Perhaps that's why I'm constantly bogged down with work. Haha, anyway here's a list of my new years resolutions! What are yours?

  1. Be more organized!
  2. Have a better sleep schedule
  3. Find a Yoga Studio/Start Practicing Yoga
  4. Find Employment 
  5. ...and most of all. Update this blog! 
Boyfriend and I =) 
I hope to have a plan of at least five buffer posts in advance, but you'll probably see how that goes. >< Thanks for sticking with me all this time guys. Happy New Year and Happy Holidays. =) I hope all your dreams come true this year. 

As always, thanks for reading everyone. =) 


P.S. Please ignore my crazy eyes above. >< Haha 

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