Hello! I feel like this blog is entirely composed up of apologies and promises to update in a more timely fashion. I think I'll stop with all the excuses and just do. ;) I've had the Bottega Ristorante review in the works for a very long period of time, but for some reason, I could never complete it. I'm glad I've finished writing it now though! It was a good meal.
Honestly, I
feel like nothing is happening with my life at the moment, but I guess some significant things have transpired. So here is a truncated list version of what's going on with my life right now.
- I've gone to Japan with my family for a week in January. That was lovely, because it has been really long time since we've all been able to participate in a family vacation.
- Recently, I've gone gluten free. Not without rhyme or reason though, both my sister and my father have been diagnosed with gluten-intolerance, but I suppose I've always been in a state of denial about it. Since I've been gluten free, the chronic acne that I've mentioned has improved quite drastically. =) So that's nice!
- I'm going to be graduating in May with a degree in Honors Asian Area Studies!
- I'm probably relocating to Boston in May as well!
And here are some photos just to tide you over. ^__^
Shabu Shabu, Tokyo |
Shabu Shabu Meat |
Tokyo, Japan |
Dad made Uni, Burrata Cheese, and Heirloom Tomato Salad |
Belly Good Crepes in San Francsico |
American Airlines First Class |
Lemon Tree in Tokyo, Japan |
Tamago in Tsukiji |
Yangnyeom Gejang, Tsukiji |
Waikiki, Hawaii |
Me being a poser in Tokyo ^__^ |
Thanks for coming! > > Just realized...why are all my photos food?! Man, what.
It's wonderful that your skin is clearing up! You know I can relate. Also, your top is adorable, first time I've liked the look of a peplum.
ReplyDelete@Rachel: Oh Rachel! I miss you <3 Out of everyone I think you knew how much my volcanic skin bothered me. Thanks so much! That's a weighty compliment <3 It's from Zara. >3<